The proverbial finish line has been sighted!

Hello everybody,

Quite a few people have asked me the status of my book, and I am sincerely grateful for your interest. Your enthusiasm means the world to me! 

I figure the best way to update you is in a blog post. So here it goes.

As of today, the manuscript of One Time or Another is in the hands of the publisher awaiting its first phase of editing. In the meantime, I’ve been working on many other requirements for publication. You know those blurbs, taglines, and synopses on book covers you rarely glance at?  You guessed it, they’re written by the author… well, at least in my case they are. And let’s not forget the biography, dedication, and acknowledgments.  

I also need to suggest some ideas for the cover, which is not as easy as it sounds. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment below.

Most difficult of all, I must submit a decent photograph of myself, and so far, I’m not happy with any of them.  Hey, I have some decent ones taken 25 years ago—do you think I can use those?  Yeah, probably not.

Basically, there’s a lot to do before July 21st, but I’m on it!