Reviews & Publicity

One Time or Another is an exciting time travel adventure with romance at its core. Characters jumping through time together offers a new and innovative twist to a familiar genre that fans of time travel will enjoy. The author includes enough science to be believable, but not too much to distract from the storyline. The characters are well drawn and you can’t help but root for them! One Time or Another is a fun, easy read with enough romance, sci-fi, and adventure to appeal to a wide range of readers. 

-Christy Cooper-Burnett, Award-winning author of The Christine Stewart Time Travel Series


If you’re a fan of time travel novels, then you’re in for a treat with Ellen Ricciutti’s delightful novel, One Time or Another. The book is filled with memorable characters, surprises, romance, and adventure, and the story will keep you hooked until the very end.

-Elyse Douglas, author of  Time Zone and Time Past 


Ellen Ricciutti’s writing style and storyline captivated me right from the start! Her clever intertwining of time periods will have you reminiscing some of the favorite years of your life, while at the same time, cheering the characters on as they must navigate time and space!  It is a book for almost all ages. My young teenage granddaughter could not stop reading! This is an incredible book for book clubs across America.  Get it soon while you have time!!!

-Roberta Walker, author of A Chance of Rainbows


No matter if your favorite genre to read is mystery, romance, historical, or science fiction, you’ll find it all in Ellen Ricciutti’s remarkable debut Time-Travel novel, One Time or Another. You’ll easily slide back and forth from 1965 to 2023 and get caught up in the lives of Kevin, Laura, and Paul along with several other well-developed characters who you meet in both decades. Start reading this book early in the day. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself reading late into the night.

-Agnes Alexander- multi-published author. Rena’s Cowboy and Stella’s Time are two of her Time-Travel novels. She has also written novels in Romance, Mystery, and Historical genres.


Ellen Ricciutti’s writing is enchanting and engrossing, transporting readers through time with elegance and enthusiasm. And the ending is totally unexpected!

-Todd McLeish, author of Return of the Sea Otter