Fasten your seatbelts, the future’s here

I work as a speech pathologist in a school, and every so often I marvel at the advancement of technology in the classroom. Words that are commonplace in a classroom today would be absolutely foreign fifty years ago. If the “me” from yesteryear sat in one of today’s classes, well, I’m absolutely certain I’d stare at the teacher with my jaw dropped to the floor.  Not sure what I mean? Well, let’s step into two classrooms and have a listen…

Which one sounds like Greek to you?! Be sure to leave a comment below!


“All right, boys and girls. Now that you’ve watched the filmstrip about today’s lesson, take one of these dittos and pass the rest back to your neighbor. I just ran these off and they’re still warm from the mimeograph machine… stop smelling them and pass them back! If you need to sharpen your pencil, go line up behind the sharpener. The crank is a little stiff, just use a little muscle.

Okay, great. Now look at your ditto where we have a diagram, just like the one I drew on the blackboard. We’ll be using this diagram to write your answers for chapters 1 and 2. Yes, the box is small so be sure to print small and neatly. Anyway, as we read, pay attention to any interesting words we come across, look them up in one of the big, red dictionaries in the back of the room, and write the definition in the box on the ditto. When everybody’s finished, I’ll need a volunteer to erase the blackboard and someone else to wash it. The sponge is in the bucket. Get to work, everyone.”


“All right, class. Now that you’ve watched the Brainpop about today’s lesson, take out your laptops and log in. The internet is a bit slow in this room, so give it time. Has everybody logged into their school account? Great. Now, make a copy of today’s slides and save them in your Reading folder and then share it with me. If it’s not working, check to make sure you’re out of presentation mode.

Okay, great. Now advance to slide 3 where we have a plot diagram, just like the one on the Smartboard. We’ll be using this diagram to type our answers for chapters 1 and 2. Yes, the text box is small but what this doc will do is give you extra room so you can keep adding. Don’t worry about the size. Anyway, as we read, pay attention to any interesting words we come across, look them up in Google, and put the definition in the text box. When you’re finished, make sure you hit save before you close your computer!  Get to work, everyone.”